Friday, February 27, 2015

Apúntate al Seminario Cloud & BPaaS el 17 marzo en Barcelona

Seminario Cloud & BPaaS

Barcelona, martes 17 de Marzo

Data Center de Colt 

Colt y proceedit les invitan a descubrir cómo los servicios Cloud IaaS & PaaS, combinados con los servicios BPaaS de automatizaciónde procesos de negocio, pueden transformar su empresa y lanzarla hacia un nuevo estadio de eficiencia; sin inversión, sin riesgos y a costes variables "on-demand"

Cloud + BPaaS > la manera inteligente de automatizar sus procesos de negocio desde la nube

Es un placer para nosotros invitarles al seminario de presentación de nuestros servicios combinados Cloud + BPaaS, que se celebrará el próximo martes 17 de Marzo en el Data Center de Colt situado en la calle Acero 5 de Barcelona, con la siguiente agenda:
10:00 Recepción de asistentes.
10:15 Bienvenida, presentación del acto y de la alianza Colt-proceedit.
10:20 Presentación de los servicios Cloud IaaS & PaaS de Colt, gestionados sobre tecnología VMware. Infraestructura de Colt. Servicios de Cloud virtual, privado e híbrido.
11:00 Descanso y café.
11:30 Presentación de los servicios BPaaS (Business Process as a Service) de proceedit para la automatización eficiente de los procesos de negocio empresariales. Metodología, tecnología, modelo de negocio y casos de éxito.
12:10 Coloquio.
12:30 Visita al Data Center de Colt (opcional).
13:00 Agradecimiento y despedida.
Por temas de seguridad de acceso al Data Center, para poder acceder al seminario es obligatorio registrarse con anterioridad, indicando su DNI,
Será un placer reencontrarnos en esta nueva ocasión y poder ayudarles a tomar decisiones en temas tan estratégicos para su empresa.

Sergi Martínez, Cloud Sales Manager - Spain

Jordi Morera, Director de Desenvolupament de Negoci
+34 660 437 871   │

Seminari Cloud & BPaaS: Barcelona, dimarts 17 de Març

Seminari Cloud & BPaaS

Barcelona, dimarts 17 de Març

Data Center de Colt 

Colt i proceedit els conviden a descobrir com els serveis Cloud IaaS & PaaS, combinats amb els serveis BPaaS d'automatització de processos de negoci,  poden transformar la seva empresa i llançar-la cap a un nou estadi d'eficiència; sense inversió, sense riscos i a costos variables "on-demand"

Cloud i BPaaS > la manera intel·ligent d'automatitzar els seus processos de negoci des del núvol

Es un plaer per nosaltres convidar-los al seminari de presentació dels nostres serveis combinats Cloud - BPaaS, que es celebrarà el proper dimarts dimarts 17 de Març al Data Center de Colt situat al carrer Acer 5 de Barcelona amb la següent agenda:

10:00 Recepció d'assistents.

10:15 Benvinguda, presentació del acte i de la aliança Colt-proceedit.

10:20 Presentació dels serveis Cloud IaaS & PaaS de Colt, gestionats sobre tecnologia VMware. Infrastructura de Colt. Serveis de Cloud virtual, privat i híbrid.

11:00 Descans i cafè.

11:30 Presentació dels serveis BPaaS (Business Process as a Service) de proceedit per a la automatització eficient dels processos de negoci empresarials. Metodologia, tecnologia, model de negoci i casos d'èxit.

12:10 Col.loqui.

12:30 Visita al Data Center de Colt (opcional).

13:00 Agraïment i comiat.

Per temes de seguretat d'accés al Data Center, per a poder accedir al seminari és obligatori el registrar-se amb anterioritat, indicant el seu DNI, 

Serà un plaer retrobar-nos en aquesta nova ocasió i poder ajudar-los a prendre decisions en temes tan estratègics per a la seva empresa.

Sergi Martínez, Cloud Sales Manager - Spain

Jordi Morera, Director de Desenvolupament de Negoci
+34 660 437 871   │

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Why not going BPaaS by proceedit now! No CAPEX + NO OPEX + 60 - 70 % savings & from the Cloud

>  Would you like to start your first or next BPM process within weeks,
>  With a 100 % personalized solution, fully integrated with your corporate applications and with your data and documents residing where you tell us, all supported on the IBM technology and safety,
> With no investment, no worries or technological risks, no fixed commitments, at low on-demand cost, all included in a single monthly fee which, incidentally, is amortized over the first week of the month?
Are you interested in this topic? ... please, continue reading.

Experience shows that automating business processes through BPM has a potential of between 60 and 70 % reduction of tangible operating costs, apart from other intangible benefits.
Nevertheless, deployment of automated processes progresses slowly due to the brakes, barriers and excuses we have all suffered:
"No budget available" (even not to save?).
"The issue is being studied by IT, we must first define an architecture, select tools, negotiate with suppliers, justify the investment, ask .. and get budget, hire and train staff ... a couple of years, hopefully".
"We don't know how to begin, how we define our processes?".
"An external consultant company has to guide us in how to do it but ... it is very expensive and, again, we don't have budget".
"We have already started in BPM but it has been a disaster, expensive, slow, cumbersome and users against".
"In the cloud nothing, all must be at home, we don't trust on it".
"And what do we have to do with the already implemented processes on the BPMS platform we bought a few years ago and has become obsolete, or it costs us a fortune every year to keep it updated?".
... are you familiar with the above sentences?
But meanwhile, your process is still there, being performed manually, every day, every hour, with great effort of your employees, with very little influence in how things are done and they could be done better, with little control ("sometimes I think it's a miracle that we don't make more mistakes"), unable to trace or audit it and, ultimately, losing money every day and you taking risks!
What to do?
Talk to us, use us, we break all these barriers with our model of rapid deployment of automated processes from the cloud, with no investment at all, without fixed commitments, without any technological worry or risk, with solutions always updated and 100 %customized to your particular requirements, 100 % integrated with your corporate applications.
And all this, with your data and documents residing safe "at home" (if you want, of course), at low cost, with a monthly on-demand fee that pays for itself in the first week of use and ah!, very importantly, with IBM technology and safety below.
Hard to believe it? Try us, it will cost you anything except a few hours of your time to explain how you would like your employees to work ... or they explain how themselves, that sometimes is better.
Thanks for your time. I await your call or email, we will not disappoint you, you have my word.

Friday, November 14, 2014

What is “BPaaS” BPM Adoption Model for BPM Processes deployment?

As commented in one of ours recent posts, by "BPM Adoption" we understand the way that some organizations have undertaken to relieve, optimize, automate and outsource part of their business processes, with the ultimate aim of achieving and maintaining the Operational Excellence that ensure them a sustainable competitive advantage.
To simplify our analysis, we have grouped the various strategies of BPM Adoption usually followed by organizations in four archetypal models, which we have called "Process Team", "Cloud", "Consulting" and "BPaaS".
Each model is characterized by the decision organizations have made in terms of the Mode of Development of the automation solutions, differentiating whether they do or plan to do by internal or external means; and the Mode of Operation of such automation solutions, differentiating if they do or plan to do either on internal systems (on-premises) or external (on Cloud or on an external Data Centre).
Under the “BPaaS” model, the last of the four BPM Adoption Models analyzed in this series of posts, both the development of automation solutions and their exploitation, are external, thus combining the features of the "Consulting" model and the "Cloud" models as it is shown in the next figure:

Under this model complete and integrated services are provide, but with two substantial differences with other models:
  • The automation solution, even is available as a more or less standard and packaged solution, although it requires some customization for each client (at least for the initial configuration and integration with corporate applications Client); or, the solution, that was initially developed for a first client, becomes standard, and then can be used in the future for third party customers with similar needs, again with the required customization for each new client.
  • Other services called BPO (Business Process Operation and Business Process Outsourcing) can be incorporated into the value proposition of the service provider to provide them in the form of personal services that go beyond pure computer service applications.
In this case then, the main and only external actor, is the so called BPaaS Services Operator Services, who integrates various products and services, and builds a packaged offering, including the development, customization and integration of applications and, in some cases, physical operation of certain tasks in the business process in behalf of the Customer; thus acting as prime contractor in front of the customer, for the various products and services including personal ones, required to automate and operate the corresponding business process.
Under this model, the BPMS Platform used loses most of its relevance (except giving prestige to the Operator and then security and confidence to the Client), since what matters is that the solution is the best suited to the client's needs with effortlessly development and customization with maximum flexibility, and that the operator can meet the SLA (Service Level Agreement) committed to the Customer.
Under this scheme, many other tools appear on stage (OCR, ICR, ECM, DMS, BRMS, DB, ESB, SSO, ...) to build the technological ecosystem required for an automated, safe and efficient operation of the deployed business processes.
The Cloud used in this model can be Public, in which case, the security of Client data and documents are the responsibility of the Operator and this delegates it to the data center providing IaaS and PaaS services.
However, many customers prefer their data and documents remain on their own servers, whether they installed internal (on-premises) or external (Private Cloud), thus the need to operate models Hybrid Cloud appears as a mixture of the Public Cloud certain characteristics of on-premises.
In our opinion, the standardization that allows the reuse of process automation solutions for all business customers requiring this type of solution, is the key for this model being sustainable and so successful, achieving significantly reduction of  both CAPEX (CAPital EXpenses) and OPEX (OPerating EXpenses) regarding to others BPM Adoption Models.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

What is “Cloud” BPM Adoption Model for BPM Processes deployment?

As commented in one of ours recent posts, by "BPM Adoption" we understand the way that some organizations have undertaken to relieve, optimize, automate and outsource part of their business processes, with the ultimate aim of achieving and maintaining the Operational Excellence that ensure them a sustainable competitive advantage.

To simplify our analysis, we have grouped the various strategies of BPM Adoption usually followed by organizations in four archetypal models, which we have called "Process Team", "Cloud", "Consulting" and "BPaaS".

Each model is characterized by the decision organizations have made in terms of the Mode of Development of the automation solutions, differentiating whether they do or plan to do by internal or external means; and the Mode of Operation of such automation solutions, differentiating if they do or plan to do either on internal systems (on-premises) or external (on Cloud or on an external Data Centre).
The Cloud” model we analyze in this post is similar to the Process TeamBPM Adoption Model already analyzed in a previous publication, but characterized by customers transferring the responsibility of supporting the service of the automation solutions to an external actor, the IaaS and PaaS provider. This model is described in the next figure:

Under this “CloudBPM Adoption Model, we categorize organizations that choose Development Mode internally (as it happens in the model "Process Team"), but progressing to an external Operating Mode of the developed applications, either:

  •  In a Public Cloud (served by a data center) or using a cloud BPMS Platform, served by the BPMS Vendor, applying this case in small-medium enterprise or 
  • In a Private or Hybrid Cloud or combination of Cloud and on-premises scheme, which occurs more in large companies and corporations.
For the basic applications (PaaS) the SaaS (Software as a Service) modality is the most popular option, if the corresponding software vendor provides them this licensing mode.
It appears here a new external actor, the Cloud Services Provider, which operates data centers in which hosts and operates servers; provide SaaS software services (usually no more than operating systems and databases); provides infrastructure of routers, firewalls, load balancers, servers, storage, backup equipment and other necessary equipment; and, moreover, manages the virtualization, high availability, monitoring and 24/7 support, communications and security, both physical and computer, all conveniently led to meet the most demanding SLAs (Service Level Agreements).
This type of services is growing exponentially and already operating in a 100 % "on-demand" and in the case of Public Cloud it has become de facto a "commodity"; first, by easiness of procurement, dynamic and flexible "on-line" management and almost immediate deployability of resources needed to support the client applications and, secondly, by the very high range, very competitive, of which are currently available on the market, leading to a significant cost reduction.
Therefore, under this model they are significantly reduced the system costs, both CAPEX (CAPital EXpenses) and OPEX (OPerating EXpenses), compared with the previous two BPM Adoption Models analyzed in previous posts.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

What is “Consulting” BPM Adoption Model for BPM Processes deployment?

As commented in one of ours recent posts, by "BPM Adoption" we understand the way that some organizations have undertaken to relieve, optimize, automate and outsource part of their business processes, with the ultimate aim of achieving and maintaining the Operational Excellence that ensure them a sustainable competitive advantage.
To simplify our analysis, we have grouped the various strategies of BPM Adoption usually followed by organizations in four archetypal models, which we have called "Process Team", "Cloud", "Consulting" and "BPaaS".
Each model is characterized by the decision organizations have made in terms of the Mode of Development of the automation solutions, differentiating whether they do or plan to do by internal or external means; and the Mode of Operation of such automation solutions, differentiating if they do or plan to do either on internal systems (on-premises) or external (on Cloud or on an external Data Centre).
The Consulting” model we analyze in this post is similar to the “Process Team”BPM Adoption Model already analyzed in a previous publication, but characterized by customers transferring the responsibility of development to an external actor, the Consulting Company.
Then, we categorize under this “Consulting” model to these organizations that choose the External Development Mode, by delegating this responsibility to an external actor having a Business Consultancy, Implementer and/or Integrator profile; and that applies the Internal Exploitation Mode of the developed applications operating them on internal infrastructure and platform resources, just as in the model "Process Team" mentioned above. This model is described in the next figure:

In this “Consulting” model, the main external actor o actors are the Consultant, Implementer and/or Integrator companies contracted by the Client for the execution of the project and, the main project vectors are the business knowledge and the technology skills that have one or more of such companies.
Often the project scope is split between more than one external companies, each of them having specific profiles of the three methodology/technology specialties required: business consultancy, Implementation of automation solutions on BPMS Platforms and integration of these solutions with the corporate applications.
Risk and responsibility for the development of the project are on the external company (ies) side, although the Client follows the project very closely with its own business and IT people.
Some BPMS vendors tread this ground to their distributors (these ones usually called "partners"), making this development work and implementation directly to their end customers, especially when it comes to large companies or corporations or the BPMS vendors are small-mid size in the first stage of their product/business development.
As consultancy companies and, especially, implementers and integrators chosen by the customer to perform the BPM project cannot master all the 400+ BPMS technologies available, the market supplying BPM business consulting and technology services is fragmented by BPMS Platforms.
The BPMS Platform on which to implement automation solutions, is either selected by the customer and from this derive the Consultant / Implanter chosen (either the same BPMS Vendor or one partner belonging to the BPMS Vendor ecosystem) or customer selects the Consultant/Implanter and from this derives the BPMS Platform, among the ones Consultant/Implanter is capable to support (usually no more than two or three).
Under this BPM Adoption Model project costs are very high and often extra-costs appears, either by insufficient prior definition of the project, either by the difficulty of configuring these tools or their functional weaknesses and, in large part, by changes on the initial customer’s thoughts or new process improvement ideas that arise as a consequence of the process optimization exercise done during the course of the project.
Therefore, this “Consulting” model has similar or even higher CAPEX (CAPital EXpenses) and the same OPEX (OPerational EXpenses) than the “Process Team”BPM Adoption Model.
In this regard, we believe that standardization and reusability of BPM automation solutions will be critical issues in the future so that implantation and integration companies could to be more competitive in their BPM projects.